I, insert-name-here, do hereby pledge that all of my content will contain stuff from either my brain, the internet, my social circle, books I happen to pick up, or perhaps a combination of any of these. I promise to try to limit my alliterations due to those that hate it and yet come here to my alliterated blog anyway. I will welcome and respect other views on my blog posts with the understanding that the opinions posted are mine, unless I say otherwise. I am a hater of haters and so will...write vigorously about you if you smack around my stuff or other people's stuff without good cause (that's a key phrase. If you have a good enough reason, I invite you to explore that little loophole to the extent of civility.) Also, I will try to be entertaining, keeping in mind that sometimes I have the right to be serious or sad or depressed or pissed off, or something like that.
This I swear on insert-god-or-sovereign-of-choice.
[space for bloody thumb print because nothing is really serious until you seal it with your own blood. Or a kiss. A kiss works too.]
P.S. Serendipity is most closely translated as fortunate chance. Make of it what you will.
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