Yeah. You've heard it before. The media is a very two-dimensional, biased, and unreliable view of the world. We either love or hate something. It's pretty or it's ugly. The smaller, more informational stories are covered up by the flashier celeb gossip. Yeah. Well, fuck you media!!! No. Seriously. I mean it.
It's this kind of stuff that pisses me off. As you know, the Oscars were last night. Hugo took home a bunch of awards, HP7p2 didn't take home anything, Emma Stone and Ben Stiller did some amusing banter, there was some kind of "shocking" practical joke on the red carpet. That was yesterday.
Today, at noon, a man came into suburban Cleveland school's cafeteria, took out a gun, shot and killed one student and injured 5 more. No where that is frequently traveled is there a single story about this shooting. Oh, some star got arrested at a swanky after party, but she is obviously more important than this kid THAT GOT SHOT IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS HIGH SCHOOL IN A COUNTRY THAT HAS HAD THE COLUMBINE, WEST VIRGINIA, AND OMAHA SCHOOL SHOOTINGS. And that's just naming the first three that come to my head.
With all of these shootings, everyone gets riled up but nobody does anything about it. And so when it happens again, it's not a big deal because someone is, supposedly, 'dealing with it'. That someone just isn't me. That's all. Not me. It's someone else's responsibility.
But it's not. Every kid that gets shot could be yours. These monsters with guns and bombs are psycho-/sociopaths. They have no motives. Every violently unpredictable situation could be your own. And we're too busy talking about the Oscars?
Thanks but no thanks. A society that is too small-minded to take action against the wrongful deaths of children, wrongful rapes of women and of men, wrongful distribution of tax funds is not a society that I want to be living in. You mark my words. I will change the community I live in even if no one else does. I will fight this apathetic nation with writing and speech. I will fight this apathetic nation with music and art. I will fight this apathetic nation with science and math. I will fight this apathetic nation with my mind, yes, and with my body if I have to. I dare you to try and stop me.