So I was going to work out the other night (because, you know, that's what us cool kids do. We go work out an hour before the gym closes so that we don't feel guilty when we have to stop working out because, you know, they kick us out, rather than us acknowledging that we are pathetically out of shape.) and I ran into a friend who I stopped a talked with (to get me out of another 15 minutes of grueling treadmills and sit ups).
Don't get me wrong. I had a lovely conversation that went sort of like this:
Me: Hi!
Her: Hey!
Me and Her: How are you?!?
(laugh about how we both said "How are you?" at the same time)
Me: I'm good.
Her: I'm good too.
Me: So how's it been going?
Her: Good. Yourself?
Can you sense a pattern here?
I am so unbelievably bored with the multitude of bypasses and interactions that are a simple "Hi...How are you?" and that's it. It's
Boring, conventional, unoriginal.
Not that I can think of anything better when I simply want to say hi to someone on my way to class, to work, to dinner or lunch or any of the other places I frequent.
So, here I am, being bored and confused by the convention of societies when it hits me: I should just say something really unexpected!
This now presents me with a problem of coming up with something unexpected to say that a) relates to everyone I talk to, b) is only a couple of seconds long proportional to the length of time it takes to care a 4-line conversation as two people pass each other on their way to pre-determined destinations, and c) doesn't get me committed into an institution. Condition C is non-negotiable.
And so, dear audience, I present to you my New-And-Improved Small Talk Instigator 2.7
Other person: Hey!
Me: Salutations! Have your endeavors been fruitful today?
Other person:...
As an experiment, I will try this means of casual greeting for a full day and the post about it all later.
Catcha' Later!
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