Friday, August 9, 2013

On Your Mark...Set...GEEK OUT!

Ok, so I know I'm supposed to be finishing up my jury duty blogs, but it's serious stuff. I really don't like being serious that often (maybe you can't tell that from my blog because I write about a lot of serious things...but in real life, I'm a happy-go-lucky person. Honest!). So, I am proud to present to you...YOUTUBE'S FIRST ANNUAL GEEK WEEK!!!! (applause! cheering! etc.)

If you haven't been following it like I have (by stalking every single video on the spotlight channel and TOTALLY fangirl-ing over every single YouTube star that collaborated in the projects), YouTube is finally recognizing the Age of Geekdom by dedicating a whole week of featured videos having to do with all things geek.  Each day has a different theme (which I will go through shortly and link videos as well) and the partners of YouTube collaborated to produce a lot of high (and low) budget videos to honor those who have dedicated their lives to the betterment of geeks everywhere. I don't know if I'm explaining the overarching idea of this very well, so we'll just cut to the daily doses of geekery.
Ok. So cuts don't work very well in written blogs. It was worth a shot, right?
1) Blockbuster Sunday
This is the video that started it all and is hosted by none other than FreddieW, CGI master and actor extraordinaire. Here, we are introduced to spoofs, trailers, and premieres from some of the geekiest channels on YouTube.  Be prepared for a date that ends badly, a Star Wars look-a-like with a diva personality, and Breaking Bad: The Middle School Musical. Yeah. If that doesn't catch your attention, I don't know what will.

2) Global Geekery Monday
Chester See brings his talent to the table with Global Geekery Monday, a day devoted to geeks around the world. YouTube features a Naruto movie trailer from the infamous NigaHiga, YomYomF's brand new hit single "How to be More Asian", and Alex Day finally being introduced to Dr. Who. As though he's never seen it before. Really. Even people living under rocks have heard about the Doctor!  Who does this kid think he's trying to fool? Not me, I assure you.

3) Brainiac Tuesday
Derek from Veritasium inspires us all to ask analytical questions and get our hands dirty when he widens our minds and our eyes with his cornstarch-and-water-on-a-speaker trick.  Not only that, but we get see a Free Runner dive into a ball pit, eggs failing to break on plates, Neil Degrasse Tyson's top 10 reasons to love science, and how to make a Robot Mech that even MythBuster Adam Savage is impressed with.  Guys? This is why I'm a science major.

4) Super Wednesday
Nerdist Matt Mira wants to welcome you to the wonderful world of SUPERHEROES!!! (Too many "W"s, I agree. Presented for your pleasure (I know. I need to stop the alliterations) are a Flying Man who may or may not be on the side of the law, the answer to the question "What if Batman drove a Nissan?", and none other than Stan Lee himself explaining to the simpletons of the Hollywood industry how our favorite superhero movies should have ended. Maybe we could start a petition for Wolverine to get him onto Kelly Ripa next Thursday. Yes? No? Maybe?

5) Gaming Thursday
FINALLY! A day for all gamers to just let loose and not be ashamed and tell someone that the cheese puffs ran out and the no0b of the group needs to go get more. Bad joke? Ok. But seriously, Dodger (presshearttocontinue) and Adam (Inside Gaming) highlight the best of the gaming videos from the ENTIRE INTERNET!!! Just kidding. They're not the best.  Just kidding.  They are, but the videos are YouTube only, not the entire internet. That would be crazy.  You know what's not crazy? Gravity Guns. Video Game High School. Elders React to Grand Theft Auto V.

6) Fan Friday
The queen of all things Geek, Felicia Day in all her glory and awkwardness (aka, geeky-ness), hosts Fan Friday, a day to celebrate what really makes the geekdom so powerful: users and fans. From her own channel, we see her constructing movie monsters from really strange foods (up to AND INCLUDING dried squid and chicken feet).  Also featured are a quiz game show with 7 of the best YouTubers in the UK, a Smash Mouth Parady featuring SoulPancake, Tay Zonday, and more on "How to Make a Viral Video", and none other than the WEASLEY TWINS hosting a top 10 best cos-playlist.  See what I did there? Just kidding. I can't take credit for that one.  Fred made it up. Or George.  Or Fred.  I can never tell the two apart.
Cut to an end scene where I tell you that GEEK WEEK IS NOT OVER YET! That's right, there is 1 day left!  I know I got this up late, so you haven't been kept up to date, but there's still time to jump on the bandwagon.  Which is weird...because usually the bandwagon has a rather strict "No Geek" policy.  My point is that tomorrow, Saturday, is the Closing Day for Geek Week. Not that the videos will be gone or anything. You'll just be behind the times.  The geekdom has no room for useless baggage (muahahahaHAHAHAH!) Tomorrow I will update this blog post with the final highlight video from Geek Week.  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy spending hours upon hours catching up on the productions from the royal court of the Geekdom.

Geek out, my friends.

UPDATE: So...apparently Saturday is "Best Of Saturday".  This is essentially YouTube's excuse for just reviewing some of the best videos of the week and not finding anything new for us to geek out over. Oh well. So it goes.  Enjoy the rest of the playlists! :)

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