No, I did not kill someone, but thanks for putting it into perspective for me.
Today, I stayed inside and lay on my bed and watched as my neighbor washed out his paintbrushes in his lawn.
Why is that so bad, you ask?
With all the rains the Midwest has been getting, the ground is already saturated. I don't know whether or not he used an environmentally-friendly paint, but I will assume not because they're not typical for interior paint jobs. Therefore, all of the unsafe chemicals in the paint will enter the top soil which, already being saturated, means that those chemicals will be the first things in our water systems next time it rains.
Not only that, but he was using a hose. A HOSE!!!! FOR 2 MEASLY PAINT BRUSHES!!!! Thanks to the Internet, we know that a hose has an average flow rate of about 3.5 gallons per minute. This guy was washing each brush for roughly 5 minutes. Let's do some basic math, people:
2 brushes x 5 minutes/brush x 3.5 gallons/minute = 35 gallons of water wasted!!!!
When he could have used a 1 gallon, 5 gallon, or even 10 gallon bucket and got the same results!!!!
And I stayed inside. And laid on my bed. And watched as my neighbor washed out his paintbrushes on his lawn.
English freak. Science geek. Social Activist Wannabe. Well, the wannabe really came out here.
I knew the science.
I'm working the English even as you read this right now.
But I didn't act.
Acting is a conscious choice that, most of the time, is very difficult.

And so I confess my crime to be complacency and I stand before you, my readers and friends, my judge and jury. I cannot promise that this will not happen again, only that I have recognized my mistake and will not be so ignorant to my apathy in the future.
Even the best of us fail and I certainly will lay no claim to being the best.
But, starting today, I will be better.