Friday, July 13, 2012

God Hates Fags...or maybe He just hates morons who think they can read His mind

In the midst of a battle against discrimination, the media once again distorts love and comfort and joy and inspiration and turns it into hate and spite.
A picture of a gay couple kissing at their engagement party was taken to inspire other LGBT persons and supporters.  The message was that their love was above the law and that they were willing to wait for each other.  They were married in New Jersey in late 2010. sweet!
Now the not-so-sweet part...
In a brutal smear campaign, bordering on libel and slander, a Colorado board looking to eliminate a senator, from the PRIMARIES no less, took this beautiful photo of the men kissing in a park with a stunning city-scape behind them, edited it, and replaced it with a snowy, pine-tree background and added the slogan "State Senator Jean White's idea of 'family values'?"  White lost the primaries.
Now, what I've just restated were the facts (minus the introduction to that previous paragraph. That was me upset).  It's OPINION time.
Me: Ok. I come from the Midwest. I have family in Colorado Springs (in case you were interested, both they and their house survived those awful fires.  The house took minor smoke damage, but all in all, it's a blessing to just have them.).  I am prairie-born and -raised.  I love where I live.  I love the people that live where I live.  That said, the fact that people who claim to be Christians and follow Christ's teachings, the fact that people who claim to be open-minded, the fact that otherwise intelligent people belligerently refuse to accept fellow well-functioning members of society as their community just downright pisses me off.  And the fact that this happened in the Midwest that I love just saddens me.
For all of you who have a problem with Christianity fine.  Here's what I say to you.
John 15: 17..."This is my command: Love each other."
So whether you hate me for being Christian or for supporting gay and lesbian rights to marriage and civil unions and....well, just their rights in general, then fine. Hate me. In the mean time, I'll just be busy trying to love you.  And you know what?  Even if you don't think that what the bible says is, at the very least, reasonable, that is to say that you don't think that loving each other is something that civilized human beings should do and that people can deserve you hatred, then respect them and tolerate them.
Tolerance does not mean that you have to appreciate their ideas.  It just means you can accept that they have it.  It's a lot like accepting that some people have really big houses and some people live in cardboard boxes.  They have what they have. They deal with it.  Oh sure, the people with the really big houses often try to help the people living in the cardboard boxes, and sometimes it works.  Sometimes we can change an ideology, much like moving the people in the cardboard house into a shelter or maybe even their own home. But sometimes you can't change ideas.  Sometimes you can't change the people in the cardboard house.  Those people simply want to be left alone.  It doesn't mean that the people in the big houses stop trying.  It just means that the people in the big houses accept their existence.
So why do we refuse these gays and lesbians and bisexuals and yes, even transgendered or questioning folk, their right to the existence of their love?  Why is it so impossible to believe that love is the only thing that really matters in a relationship?  What are these "family-values" that we are trying to instill in our children?  What exactly classifies as a family value?
I am a camp counselor.  I am privileged to claim some responsibility in the shaping of my campers' lives.  Is it wrong that I try to teach fairness?  Love of the earth?  Responsibility of themselves? Perseverance in difficult tasks?  Kindness towards animals?  Respect of authority and peers? Inspiration and imagination in every bug in a rotting log and deep in the waters of a polluted creek?  Cooperation and teamwork in large and small groups?  What exactly is wrong with what I am teaching?  What exactly is wrong with my co-worker, who is a lesbian, who is teaching the same things as I am?
I am in love with humanity.  I am in love with this world.  I have said these things before and they have never ceased to be true.  But right now, I am severely disappointed in humanity.  The only thing I can do right now is express my disappointment and shake my head sadly and hope that society, that this Colorado campaign board realizes that it has failed in its expectations of responsibility and reliability and that it behaved like an ill-mannered child.  Unlike the child, I can't deprive them of their privileges to a fun activity or make them last in line for snack.  I can merely hope and pray that they realize their mistake and do their utmost to fix it.

If you would like to read more of the story, this is the link to the Yahoo coverage of this story:

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